How logistics works in a transport company: logistics and transport
Not all products move under the same conditions. You should know that each company and type of merchandise have to go through a specific process, where it is essential to know how logistics and transport work.
Logistics in a transport company
Currently, the logistics process in the supply chain is increasingly complicated, which is why many of the companies often derive transport tasks into a logistics partner. In this case, as part of the & nbsp; logistics companies in Barcelona , we can help you with that.
One of the most important aspects is the customer experience , be it a company, a production area or an end consumer, and this represents a great requirement for logistics. Although technological advances are increasing, and that allows more and more data to be analyzed, managed and preserved, transport remains one of the key pieces in all operations.
Objectives and functions of transport logistics
The logistics, applied to the transport of any merchandise, have as main purpose to achieve optimal service conditions so that the final result is satisfactory and efficient. For this, they try to reduce costs, always guaranteeing the quality of service and the arrival of materials in the required conditions.
If you want to achieve this goal, we recommend that you consider the following principles:
– Check well the types of cargo that you will move daily, to group them as best suits and thus eliminate unnecessary stages of the route.
– Do not handle the products too many times, moving them from side to side or unpacking them, as they could cause damage.
– Connected to the previous principle, avoids merchandise changes from one place to another to reduce the costs of handling them.
– Control stocks as best as possible so that they do not crowd too many in stock.
Tips to improve logistics
– Analysis : In the same way as in any other field of activity, analysis is essential to define a medium and long term strategy. In the first place, demand must be studied, assessing their strengths and weaknesses. And, then, it is advisable to review what are the sales statistics to know which are the times of greatest demand, among other aspects. Through a rigorous analysis it is easier to anticipate the needs of stock . This is something that must be done periodically, as the needs and preferences of the market change constantly.
– Management : Once the analysis is completed and the strategy defined, it is time to implement a management, which must be effective and simple to facilitate the development of tasks : inventory management, Order preparation and product distribution. There are many aspects to take into account, such as means of transport, packaging, delivery times or delivery notes, among others.
– Control : It is essential to establish a series of parameters to check if the proposed objectives have really been met, and if the strategies have followed the defined path. Otherwise, it is necessary to implement a series of measures to achieve the established goals.
Logistics and technology
The development of technology has allowed digital transformation in the logistics sector, more specifically in & nbsp; logistics companies to export , leading to new sales channels such as e-commerce or dropshipping . You should keep in mind that it is not about implementing each and every one of the technological innovations, but about doing an internal analysis to know which ones should be applied to improve efficiency and productivity.
– Robots in warehouses : automation in warehouses through the implementation of robotic equipment allows to transform the influx of work, reducing costs and increasing operational capacity in distribution companies.
– The Internet of Things : It is one of the most revolutionary technologies of the last decade, and has multiple applications in the logistics sector. Provides intelligence to inanimate objects, which offers many possibilities for interconnecting the different assets present in the supply chain, such as real-time time control or establishing the best route to reach the destination.
– Big Data: Today’s companies face higher volumes of data, which are impossible to capture and manage with traditional technology. The big data It allows you to collect all the data and transform it into valuable information. Thanks to this, it is possible to transport products more quickly or to track in real time.
– Software ERP: This technology has as its main function the organization of logistics through the administration and management of processes, which allows to reduce costs derived from inventory or improve customer satisfaction.
In Galyco Logistic Forwarding We can help you with the tasks of logistics and transport using the most innovative technology. What are you waiting for to contact us?